Accompanying blog post for our GECCO'22 paper
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${\color{gray}(1+1)}$RLS on a randomly initialized LeadingOnes problem. You can manually configure how many bits get flipped in each iteration via the lower slider. We only render the current best solution, thus some steps might not change the image. Cells that will not change anymore are colored in green. For pseudocode see Algorithm 1.
To achieve peak-performance on a problem, it is often crucial to correctly setup, i.e. configure, the algorithm which is supposed to solve the problem. In many communities it has been observed that fixed parameter choices are often not optimal and that dynamic changes to parameter during the algorithms run can be highly beneficial (see, e.g.,
In a similar vain to parameter control, the novel dynamic algorithm configuration (DAC)
The short answer is, LeadingOnes is very well understood. The slightly longer answer is, LeadingOnes is one of the most rigorously studied problems in the parameter control community. The parameter control community has thoroughly studied the dynamic fitness-dependent selection of mutation rates for greedy evolutionary algorithms on LeadingOnes. Thus, it is very well understood how the expected runtime of such algorithms depend on the mutation rates during the run. Overall LeadingOnes is an important benchmark for parameter control studies both for empirical
If you are already familiar with the LeadingOnes problem you can skip this short introduction. LeadingOnes is perfectly named. For a bitstring of length $\color{gray}n$, the LeadingOnes problem is to maximize the number of uninterrupted leading ones in the bitsring.
There are a variety of algorithms one could use for solving LeadingOnes. Here, we chose to use $\color{gray}(1+1)$RLS. The pseudo code for this is:
def RLS(problem_dimension, max_budget):
partial_sol = numpy.random.choice(2, problem_dimension)
for t in range(max_budget):
s = get_current_state()
num_bits_to_flip = policy(s)
new_partial_sol = flip(partial_sol, num_bits_to_flip)
if fitness(new_partial_sol) >= fitness(partial_sol):
partial_sol = new_partial_sol
Algorithm 1: Pseudocode for ${\color{gray}(1+1)}$RLS
The algorithm starts from a randomly initialized bitstring and in each iteration randomly flips
It was proven
We can see that the optimal policy is quite a bit faster at solving the LeadingOnes example. However, what about policies that are restricted and cannot choose from all values in $\color{gray}\left[1,\ldots,n\right]$? In our paper, we present a method to compute the optimal policy for any such restricted choice. In essence, we can use the probability of improvement as defined above and only need to compare the probability of consecutive elements
Now that we know all about the benchmark, lets use it to gain insights into a DAC method
Comparison of a learned policy (dqn) compared to optimal ones. The dotted green line used the same restricted configuration space as the DQN. (left): The configuration space consists of three evenly spread values [1, 16, 32]. (right): The configuration space consists of five values [1, 2, 4, 8 16].
Our first results (shown in the figures above) show that the DQN is indeed capable of learning optimal policies. Indeed on the same restricted configuration space for bitstrings of length 50, the DQN quickly learns the to play the optimal policy or ones that result in virtually the same reward.
The availability of ground truth however not only enables us to compare the learned performance to the known optimal one, we can also study the limits of the chosen DAC method. For example, we can evaluate how the same DQNs learning capabilities scale with the size of the configuration space.
Comparison of a learned policy (dqn) compared to optimal and random ones on problems of size 100 with varying portfolio sizes. For $\color{gray}k\geq7$ we plot three distinct runs to highlight the increased instability of DQN. For $\color{gray}k = 15$ none of the dqn runs were capable of learning meaningful policies.
Overall we could observe that the chosen DAC method, with its used parameter settings was capable of learning optimal policies but struggled to scale to larger action spaces as well as portfolio sizes. For more details we refer the interested reader to our paper.
Our work presents a novel benchmark that is useful for both parameter control and DAC research. The benchmark fills an important gap in the existing benchmarks for DAC research as it enables us to compute optimal policies. We thus can easily evaluate the quality of learned DAC policies and as well as DAC techniques themselves. We showed how we can use the benchmark to gain insights into a DAC method and explored settings in which the chosen DQN method started to break down. We hope that our work is the first of many exchanges of benchmarks between the parameter control and dynamic algorithm configuration communities. With the growing literature on parameter control and its theoretical analysis we hope to provide other use-cases with a known ground truth.
Our code and data are publicly available at and the benchmark has recently been merged into DACBench. For feedback or questions, feel free to reach out to us.