
For up to date information on my involvement in teaching please check the teaching website of the machine learning group in Freiburg

During the time of my PhD studies at the university of Freiburg, I have been involved in teaching in the following courses:

2022: Teaching Assistant: Automated Machine Learning
2021: Teaching Assistant: MOOC on Automated Machine Learning
2021: Teaching Assistant: Automated Machine Learning
2020: Teaching Assistant: Automated Machine Learning
2019: Teaching Assistant: Automated Machine Learning
2018: Teaching Assistant: Machine Learning for Automated Algorithm Design
2017: Teaching Assistant: Machine Learning for Automated Algorithm Design

In particular, I have created the practical exercises (in python) for the students to get hands-on experience with AutoML algorithms. The latest iteration of exercises are freely available as part of our MOOC on Automated Machine Learning. You can check it out here: https://learn.ki-campus.org/courses/automl-luh2021